
Meet the Team

Artie - Our Founder

Meet a horse who changed the life of one very special little girl and touched many others hearts and minds, he will always have a special place in our hearts.

Artie our Foundation horse before we even know TEAL would be in
our future

Artie was the kindest most gentle understanding equine I have been lucky enough to have time with, he taught me an awful lot about life, and changed the life of a young lady who was non verbal and lacking hugely confidence and self esteem, he was very calm, gentle and understanding with her, but slowly over time her confidence grew, they played together, groomed one another, bonded and gained trust, she learnt new skills in a non clinical environment by a non judgemental teacher-Artie, the young girl began to speak and make clicking noises to help communicate with Artie, and he understood her perfectly verbally and non-verbally, he helped to make her feel confident and able to do things people said in her past she couldn’t, he build her self esteem and taught her to trust others, the young girl is now a young lady, who is confident and verbal, and is still very at one with the horses. x


Our Team

Lucy has over 14years experience working with children and young people with disabilities ranging from physical disabilities, challenging behaviour, ADHD,ASD, ODD, OCD, BDD, non verbal, communication and mental Heath problems.

I have qualifications in counselling skills, mental health awareness, health and social care, First aid and equine assisted learning.

Myself & Lisa both hold Full enhanced DBS enclosures.
T.E.A.L is fully insured and licensed by Surrey district council.

Lisa has  worked with people with additional needs for 19 years such as those with global developmental delay, Autism, hyper mobility syndrome, dyspraxia, Huntington’s disease and those with mental health problems . Lisa has training in cognitive behavior therapy  and also has training in Makaton signing, PECS communication and first aid.

Our Animals

Hi, I’m Ben, I Love My Work Here At Teal, I Have Been With Teal Since I Was A Foal, My Hobbies Include Playing With My Little Sister And New Friend Sam, We Like To Play Rearing Up And Running Around, I Also Love The Hoomans To Scratch My Bum, Please Don’t Worry If I Put My Bum In Your Face Its So You Can Scratch It Really Good! I Also Enjoy Meeting And Helping All Or Visitors (Especially The Ones That Bring Carrots!)

I’m jigsaw, I have been at teal for 9 years, i’m so glad I’m here as I was rescued and I now enjoy the good life, I was not sure I would like my stable but it turns out I love it ohhh and all the people that come to see me. I’m the boss of the herd although some say I’m just the herd leader, with out me it would be days of just eating, sleeping and playing, someone really has to keep this lot in check!​ p.S leave the carrots and bring polo’s!

Hi I’m Sam the Man, I came to teal in february 2019, i’m very glad they rescued me as I love spending time with everyone , I love it so much sometimes I Don’t like the children to leave, I also love mud and get as dirty as I possibly can everyday but I know the hoomans love to groom me!

Meet smokey teal’s newest herd member, smokey is just 7 months old and just loves human interaction he Will make a great addition to the teal herd

Pudding was with us over 10 years, she made a huge difference to a lot off people lives, she Will never be forgotten and is greatly missed by us all.

We got breeze when she was just 10 months old, she was a rescued foal and the sweetest soul you could ever hope to meet, unfortantly due to her bad start in life she suffered complications with her feet and we had to say goodbye in August 2020. She Will be greatly missed by everyone that was lucky enough to meet her.

Hi, we’re the teal doggies, i’m wispa (The brown lab! Or as I like to think the intelligent one) I love a cuddle and a game of fetch and a lean for the clients that like some deep pressure therapy! Meet my brother puggsy his the brindle pug and loves a lap to sit on, then there’s my cousin Frank, well his pretty crazy when his with my sister pebbles the yellow lab but the rest of the time he likes to snuggle and attempt to get my ball, its far to big for his mouth but I’m not sure he realizes his a small pug so instead loves playing fetch me!

Hi, we’re the teal chickens! Esmeralda & slim Sadie are cream crested leg bars – Will lay blue eggs. Dot, storm & oz are pekin bantams lemon & meringue are sablepoot bantams they love vegetables, corn & worms!

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