Seeing the horses started out with Luna so excited. Then when we got out of the car and went to walk into the stables, she said ‘no go inside’ and ‘toilet’ (she doesn’t need the toilet; it’s her way of letting me know she is very anxious and wants to leave a situation… Now!). Luna has severe autism, sensory issues, severe anxiety, and other issues. The ladies brought Pudding out of the stables, and at first, Luna wouldn’t look at her or go near her. Mummy decided to stroke Pudding, which in turn made Luna step closer to her (to get to me!). Then we were shown the brushes, and the rest, as they say… is history! Brilliant setup, lovely ladies who run it, and beautiful, kind animals. We have already booked in for more visits! I can’t believe Luna touched Pudding and then kissed and cuddled her.