Learn, Create, and Explore the World of Horses!
This engaging and interactive course includes:
Unique Gaits: Explore breeds like the Tennessee Walking Horse (running walk) or the Icelandic Horse (tölt, pace).
Measuring Horses: Learn how horses are measured in hands (HH). Compare two horses.
Poster Design: Research two breeds, describe their traits, and create a poster.
Ideal Horse: Imagine your dream horse—its breed, colour, age, size, and personality.
Unusual Coat Colours: Discover rare colours like perlino and roan, and complete a chart.
Mare Facts: Learn about pregnancy lengths and how fast foals stand, feed, and run.
Bridle & Saddle: Assemble and name parts of a bridle and saddle.
Cleaning Tack: Create a guide and understand its importance.
Compare breath counts (BPM).
Bandage a horse’s leg safely.
Study hoof growth and identify parts.
Investigate clipping types and design your clip.
Field Exploration: Identify grasses, flowers, and herbs safe for horses.
Poisonous Plants: Learn about toxic plants and their effects.
Volunteering: Blog your stable experience.
Feed Flyer: Create a flyer for feeding a 500kg horse.
Stable Duty Challenge: Work as a team to complete tasks efficiently.
War Horses: Discover their roles and create a poster.
Police Horses: Learn about their training and jobs.
Coal Mines & Beyond: Explore ponies’ roles in coal mines and today.
Show Turnout: Research competition turnout and create a poster.
Obstacle Course: Design and complete a course with your team.
Creative Challenges: Set challenges and reward each other with rosettes.
Join Equi-Quest Today and Embark on a Journey of Learning and Fun with Horses!